Sunday, January 22, 2017

Project 2: Client Site Reflection Journal

        For this project I had a group of 3 people, Sukanya (Designer), Ashley (CEO), and myself (coder). We had to create 2 websites for two companies that we were assigned. First our group worked on Code Breakers shoe website. We have a background of the city, our designer created the logo and helped with the design/layout of the website. Me and Ashley coded the website and Sukanya and Ashley found the images. We included their slogan "walk the street with city heat". We have 4 pages in total: homepage, shoes and prices, shipping, and sources page. The shipping page was very difficult due to the js validation of the form but we managed to solve this problem. 
         For the JA Design phone cases website, we have 4 pages in total: homepage, iphone cases, samsung cases,  and sources page. The logo, layout of the website, and navigation bar were designed and created by our designer Sukanya. Our CEO Ashley helped find the images and code too. On the homepage is an iphone and samsung, the iphone has a hover effect and there is a very brief information about the company. The background was specifically requested by our client so we used it and made our font white so it could be easy to read. In the samsung and iphones case page there's a table of the image of the case with the description and price right next to it. You can click on the images for a pop up with the image and description. In the sources page we put down the copyright for the images. 
        Our team has put in the requests and requirements of the website said by the client and tried our best to meet their demands. We also did a design report written by our Designer and CEO. I liked working with our team, our team work and having the experience of actually making a website for another person instead of for myself. We were just a bit worried about the time but overall it was a great experience. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Project 1 Calculator Reflection Journal

          For project 1, I had to create a calculator that adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides numbers. For the HTML part, I used the span and div html tags and put a class for each separate part. For example all the keys had the same class name while the operators have a different class name but is the same for each operator. Then I applied an external CSS style sheet which has box shadow, float, margins, padding, colors and background colors, hover, borders and more. Finally it's the challenging part of this project which was the JavaScript. I overcame this problem through the power of research. I had to use a for loop which repeats the action of clicking a key and putting it onto the display box and evaluating it when the equal button is pressed. The problem with the calculator is that it doesn't have a limit restriction so if you keep on putting in numbers, it goes off of the calculator. I also had to use booleans and replace the x sign with an asterisk so it would actually multiply through the computers language. This project was very challenging but I'm glad I was able to overcome it. The skills I've learned will be useful in the future because I can use it to create calculators for clients. After finishing the project I had to make a poster which shows the calculator and the HTML, CSS and JavaScript code with it and an explanation of the project. 

Lab 9 Reflection Journal

              For lab 9 I had to create a form and have it validated using JavaScript. This lab was also very challenging for me because it was very confusing having it be completely validated with no errors. I created the table using the input and label tags, I didn't put them in a table. The form asks for the first and last name, date of birth, age, email and zip code. First I made sure that it resets and then I used JavaScript to make functions which I linked to the submit button using the onclick event handler. If you submit it without filling out anything pop ups will appear telling you to fill out those areas left blank. If you put it in correctly then it wouldn't say anything about it. The age was a way to confirm if the birthday entered is true or false. The limit I put on the age was 100. Also I learned about how you had to use regular expressions for the illegal characters. This lab is useful because I can use it in the future for companies/clients who are selling things or anything that requires making a form online. 

Lab 8 Reflection Journal

             For lab 8 I had to show demonstrations of the 4 different types of loops which we learned about. The types of loops are the for loop, the for/in loop, the do/while loop and the whole loop. So I first created an HTML document and I put in 3 headings which contained the lab number, my name and the date and the course. I then created a table in which I organized it by putting the type of loop and next to it is a button in which when you click on it, it demonstrates that kind of loop. I linked the external CSS style sheet to the HTML document. I had to use an onclick event handler and the demonstration I put for the for loop is a loop which lists the even numbers up to 16. For the for/in loop demonstration, I put a loop which asks the user for their favorite color, name and age and it writes it out on the HTML document. I made a loop that asked the user for a number, decimal and symbol and write it out for the while loop demonstration. For the do/while loop demonstration, I have a loop that writes numbers from 4-7. This lab is useful and will be used in future labs and projects because it's much more convenient using loops rather than putting the same code over for several times.

WBL workshop - OSHA and labor laws

               In this WBL workshop, we learned about child labor laws and workplace safety. It was discussing about the work rights that minors have. Examples of these are that they have a right to a fair and full days pay, the right to a safe workplace and to file a complaint if your job is unsafe, and the right to equal employment opportunity and to work in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. Minors can't drive a 4 wheel vehicle, use power tools, work on a roof, slice meat with a machine, work with nuclear weapons, mine coal, do demolition work, and manufacture bricks or tiles. 
              The legal work hours for 16-17 year olds are that they can't work more than 4 hours when school is in session, can't work more than 8 hours on the weekend, and can't work past 10 pm or before 6 am. Also they have to be supervised and receive training if required for their job. All students must sign a memorandum of agreement in the wbl program which covers the workers compensation in case of injury. OSHA which stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a federal government agency that enforces job safety laws. Also to speak to an adult or teacher if you're being sexual harassed or if your workplace is violent. 

WBL Workshop: Job Interviewing Skills Reflection Journal

            In this work based learning workshop, I learned various interviewing skills from the guest that came to speak to us, Mr. Chow from Wood Tobe-Coburn College. He said that the 5 interviewing skills that you need to know are appearance, body language, verbal, writing, and listening. The power colors are navy blue, dark grey, down and a black suit which we should wear during an interview. He said that companies hire based on the image that suits the company. For example a professional business wouldn't hire those that don't come dressed up professionally and have tattoos visibly shown on their necks. We got a list of interviewing questions from him that may be asked and also he practiced some of them with us. He also gave us a few tips and pointers. He also showed us how to properly introduce ourselves and shake hands. I really liked this workshop because it was very fun, interactive and useful.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Booleans Reflection Journal

          From the w3schools articles on booleans, I learned that booleans have only true or false values.   Comparison and Logical operator are used to test for true or false. Some examples of the operators are == (equal to), < (less than), and > (greater than). When using the == operator, equal Booleans are equal. The boolean value of 0 is false. The boolean value of -0 is false. The boolean value of an empty string is false. The Boolean value of undefined, null, false and NaN is false. Booleans can be defined as objects by using var x = new Boolean(false);. In the === operator, equal booleans aren't equal because it expects equality on both sides. Objects CAN'T be compared. The conditional (ternary) operator assigns a value to a variable based on some condition. 
The syntax is:
variablename = (condition) ? value1:value2.
When comparing a string with a number, the string is converted into a number during the comparison. An empty string is converted to the number 0.