For this project I had a group of 3 people, Sukanya (Designer), Ashley (CEO), and myself (coder). We had to create 2 websites for two companies that we were assigned. First our group worked on Code Breakers shoe website. We have a background of the city, our designer created the logo and helped with the design/layout of the website. Me and Ashley coded the website and Sukanya and Ashley found the images. We included their slogan "walk the street with city heat". We have 4 pages in total: homepage, shoes and prices, shipping, and sources page. The shipping page was very difficult due to the js validation of the form but we managed to solve this problem.
For the JA Design phone cases website, we have 4 pages in total: homepage, iphone cases, samsung cases, and sources page. The logo, layout of the website, and navigation bar were designed and created by our designer Sukanya. Our CEO Ashley helped find the images and code too. On the homepage is an iphone and samsung, the iphone has a hover effect and there is a very brief information about the company. The background was specifically requested by our client so we used it and made our font white so it could be easy to read. In the samsung and iphones case page there's a table of the image of the case with the description and price right next to it. You can click on the images for a pop up with the image and description. In the sources page we put down the copyright for the images.
Our team has put in the requests and requirements of the website said by the client and tried our best to meet their demands. We also did a design report written by our Designer and CEO. I liked working with our team, our team work and having the experience of actually making a website for another person instead of for myself. We were just a bit worried about the time but overall it was a great experience.