Tuesday, February 14, 2017

CTE Expo Reflection Journal

           On 2/13/17, we had our CTE Expo. I stayed 2 other periods besides my usual periods. During the expo, we meet with freshmen and we were trying to persuade them to join the web design academy. I talked about my experience in the web design academy, showed them examples of websites, and explained what we do during sophomore, junior and senior year. This is important because we are getting people to join the web design academy and continue our legacy. Some freshmen were co-operating and some weren't. However, overall I was able to spark interest in those freshmen that I spoke with. The qualities a salesperson should have is being able to communicate, be approachable, listen, be initiative, and persuasive. 
            Talking to the freshman was like a scenario of the people in the CTE academies being salespeople and the freshmen were our target audience and/or clients. The preparation that should be made to deal with these situations is to be persistent in persuasion of them choosing the web design academy. It would be better if I were to practice my public speaking skills so I would know the exact words to say that give off a higher chance of them being persuaded. Also keeping in mind the qualities of a salesperson so you don't end up intimidating someone or have people run away from you and actually give you a chance to speak. The CTE Expo will continue to go well because there are already freshmen who have the mindset of going into this academy or not joining one and we can try to help persuade them to join one, preferably the web design academy.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Conversation on Finance HW

              For hw I had to talk to my parents about budgeting and money. They said that I could earn money by working at some part time jobs and make some cash. These jobs could be working as a cashier or be an assistant or something. The kind of jobs I could do in the future are maybe work for some company or it could be related to my major which is still undecided. They told me it's better to use a debit card rather than credit cards because you should use the money that you have instead of falling into debt by loaning money and paying it back with interest. They don't think young people should get credit cards because they're still not mature and responsible enough to handle it. They hope that I become a doctor and earn a good amount of money, enough to pay the bills, spend on things I need and/or want, and save for emergencies. They hope that I don't make the mistake of paying the least amount for credit cards just to pay it on time but to actually pay most of it as much as I can. They think that financial aid will help me pay for college and also I should work a part time job too to get earn some money while I'm in college. They don't really have any money role models, they just want me to be careful with budgeting and planning out how of use and spend my money.