Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ten80 Trip Reflection Journal

                                     Image result for ten80            
        Friday March 5th, I was given the opportunity to attend the TEN80 education workshop sponsored by the U.S Army held at York College. It was a really fun event where I participated in a workshop. I noticed that we were all going to attend to a different categories where 6 different workshops were available. The Lead, the Pitch, the Race, the Game, the Beat and the Code. I went to pitch and so I had to follow a girl who was a representative of that single workshop. Afterwards they took us into an area and we were given some little project that we had to complete in small groups or individually. First a guy introduced how to sell a product and gave us background information and knowledge for it since the project we were working on was similar to shark tank. We had to come up with an idea or product and try to sell it and be like salesmen to everyone. So I went into this workshop with Sukanya and I worked with her. The idea we came up were a combination of all different type of glasses but into one pair of glasses. We did not get to present it though. After the workshop we were taken back to the auditorium where they did prize giveaways from the tickets they gave from participation throughout the event. We had lunch and we went back to school afterwards. I personally think this was a fun experience especially since I already did a shark tank project in web design but I was selling my website, so it was like a similar experience. I thought it would be better though if the person that gave the presentation was more enthusiastic and tried to make it more engaging since I could tell people were getting bore and impatient.

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